Terms & Conditions
Terms of Sale
These terms of sale apply when purchasing goods and services on lesdeux.com (the ”Home Page”) for delivery outside of Denmark, and you enter into agreement with:
Company registration no. 33506465
Raffinaderivej 10, building J
2300 Copenhagen S
(”Us,” We,” Les Deux”)
- Concluding an agreement
1.1 When placing an order on the Home Page, you simultaneously accept these terms of sale (the ”Terms of Sale”). Additionally, we refer to the general rules of sales and contract law, including the rules on consumer contracts in Danish law, which also apply.
1.2 When you want to place an order, you pick items by adding them to your shopping cart. You can review, amend, and remove the selected items in your cart up until the time of clicking ”Proceed to checkout”, in connection with which you will be asked to accept the Terms of Sale.
1.3 At the checkout, you will be asked to type your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. You will further be asked to choose a delivery method. You can at any step verify that the content of your order corresponds to your wishes. The final step is ”Continue to payment,” where you must enter your payment details. We will then receive your order. Please contact our Sales Support if you made a mistake when placing your order - they are ready to help you.
1.4 We cannot always guarantee that we can deliver the items you find on our webpage within a reasonable time, just as there may be accidental errors and crashes in the system, misprints, and incorrect prices. NO binding agreement between us has therefore been made until you have received an order confirmation from us at the e-mail address stated by you at the time of placing the order.
- Prices, Taxes & Payment
2.1 All prices on the website are including local VAT if you shop from within the EU, Norway or UK. .
2.2 All customs duties and import taxes are included in your total price. We ship under the Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) model, meaning no further charges will be requested at delivery.
2.3 We accept the following payment methods: Mastercard, Visa, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Maestro, PayPal, Visa Electron, iDEAL (Only Netherlands), Bancontact(Only Belgium).
2.4 A provider handles the payment transaction as we use Shopify Payments with approval that uses 3D Secure approval to ensure a secure payment. Purchases made through MobilePay, Google Pay, and Apple Pay by their own approvals process. This is all encrypted, so your information is protected against third parties. A fee is charged at payments with certain credit cards corresponding to the fee charged by the payment card issuer. The size of the fee will be disclosed when choosing the payment method.
2.5 When receiving your order, we reserve the amount on your card. We will not withdraw the money from your account until the items are sent from our storage.
- Delivery
3.1 Items in stock can normally be expected to be delivered within 2-4 working days. You can choose the form of delivery which suits you best:
Delivery by DHL (Economy and Express ODD)
Aswell as country specific sites we deliver orders to addresses internationally. Please note the currency of international orders will be in EUR.
3.2 We reserve the right to change the delivery type of an order based on which goods or how many goods the order contains. Changes to the type of delivery will not impose further expenses on you. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the stated d are indicative and without liability.
- Returns and complaints
4.1 We strive to always deliver satisfactory products which is why we offer free returns of your purchase within 30 days of recipet. Larger orders and pallet items could inccur a cost for return. Please contact customer support if a returns label is not included in your order.. Items must always be returned in their original condition, i.e. with the hangtag, price tag, shoe boxes and similar intact. The item must be sent to our store-house:
Louis-Hansens Alle 14
3060 Espergærde
4.2 You have 24 months’ right of complaint b the provisions of the Danish Sale of Goods Act.
4.3 If you want to complain due to a defect, you must notify us within a reasonable time after having detected the defect. If you fail to do so, you will lose the right to rely on the defect. A complaint made no later than 2 months after the time of which you became aware of the delivered item’s defect will however always be considered reasonable, see however section 4.2.
4.4 There may be instances where we will ask you to return the defective item for our examination. You must therefore keep the item safe until you have been in dialogue with us and we have agreed on the further process for remedy of the defect.
4.5 Defects will be remedied by replacement or refund the entire or part of the purchase price. The provisions on defects in the Danish Sale of Goods Act apply.
- Right of cancellation
5.1 You have the right to cancel your purchases and withdraw from this agreement without giving reasons within 14 days. The right of cancellation period of 14 days is counted from the day when you:
- take physical possession of the items when it comes to the purchase of goods,
- take physical possession of the last item when it comes to a contract for the purchase of several items ordered in one order and delivered separately.
5.2 Your right of cancellation, you must inform us in an unambiguous statement (e.g., by letter or e-mail). You may do this by sending us an e-mail with your name, order number, and a clear statement that you wish to use your cancellations for the entire or part of the order. You may use the standard withdrawal form at the bottom of this page or access it here.
5.3 The right of cancellation period has been complied with if you send your statement regarding the exercise of your right of cancellation before the expiry of the right of cancellation period. You cannot cancel your purchase simply by refusing receipt without providing us the unambiguous statement to this fact as stated in section
5.2. If you exercise your right to cancellation, we will refund the payment we received from you for the can-celled purchase, including delivery costs (however not any extra costs incurred as a con-sequence of you choosing another delivery method than the cheapest available standard delivery). We will refund your payment without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days after having received your statement that you exercise your right of cancellation, see however further below.
5.4 We will refund you using the same payment method you used for the original transaction unless you have explicitly agreed to another refund payment method.
5.5 We can delay the refund until we have received the goods from you that comprise the cancelled purchase or until you have documented that you have returned the items to us, whichever comes first. You are only responsible for any depreciation of the goods caused by handling other than that necessary for you to assess the goods.
- Gift certificate
6.1 You can purchase gift certificates on the Home Page. When purchasing gift certificates, you simultaneously accept the Terms of Sale. Gift certificates can be purchased and used for online purchases on the Home Page in our physical stores
6.2 Payment of a gift certificate may only be made using the payment methods mentioned in section 2.2 above. Gift certificates are issued by Les Deux ApS.
6.3 The gift certificate may be used to pay for the entire or part of your total order. If the value of the gift certificate does not cover the total amount of the contemplated order, the difference can be paid by using the other accepted payment methods as described above under section 2.
6.4 If your order on the Home Page contains both a gift certificate and physical goods, the purchase amount for the gift certificate will be withdrawn at the time of purchase where-as the purchase amount for the physical goods will be withdrawn from your account when the goods are shipped, in accordance with the Terms of Sale.
6.5 The gift certificate is sent electronically and can be used immediately after the issue.
6.6 The gift certificate is valid for 3 years after the purchase date. Gift certificate purchases make you subject to and give you the same access to the right of cancellation as stated above under section 5. After the expiry of the validity period, the gift certificate cannot be used for purchases of goods but can be cashed without fee from the date of expiry and zero-twelve (0-12) months on. Gift certificates older than four (4) years from the purchase date cannot be used, reactivated, or redeemed for ash.
6.7 We take no responsibility for issued gift certificates given that you as customer are responsible for the gift certificate and thereby the risk of the gift certificate’s loss, theft, misuse, or the like
6.8 Les Deux reserves the right to make changes to the terms and conditions of the gift certificates from time to time and without notice. The terms and conditions in force from time to time are available on the Home Page.
6.9 If you have any questions regarding your gift certificate, you are welcome to contact our customer service at the following e-mail: customercare@lesdeux.com
- Reservations
7.1 Technical or typographical errors may occur on the Home Page. We may therefore make changes to the Home Page without notice just as we reserve our rights in case of such errors.
7.2 We may change the Terms of Sale for all future orders from the Home Page without notice.
- Inquiries and complaints
8.1 If you have any questions, comments, or wish to complain about an item purchased on the Home Page, we encourage you to contact us in writing, after which we will process your inquiry
8.2 If we cannot reach a solution, you also have a right to file a complaint with the Danish centre for complaints resolution - Center for Klageløsning, Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg. You can also file the complaint through the complaints portal for the house of judges - Nævnenes Hus - here
8.3 Consumers in another EU country can also complain through the EU Commission’s online complaints platform: http://ec.europa.eu/odr.
- Intellectual property rights
9.1 The contents of the Home Page as well as the products sold on the Home Page are protected by inter alia copyright, design rights, and trademarks of Les Deux and copyrights of our licensors. This applies to functions, software, texts, images, videos, sound, brands, designs, and the like. You must not copy, change, make public, or republish material from the Home Page.
9.2 The contents of the Home Page must not be reproduced or saved. If you wish to use parts of the content of the Home Page or other material owned by us, you must have permission from Les Deux before any use hereof.
9.3 The name LES DEUX® and the mark II® and all related names, logos, products, and designs, as well as the rights hereto, are owned by Les Deux and must not be used without prior written permission from Les Deux.
- Force Majeure
10.1 10.1 You accept that in events beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to strikes, lockouts, or other forms of professional conflicts (regardless of whether they involve our workforce or other parties), insufficiencies with transport networks, natural dis-asters, pandemics (including COVID-19 in its presently known form as well as any other possible future forms that may arise and cause production delays or delivery difficulties), war, riots, civil unrest, intentional damage, compliance with law or government order, rules, regulations or instructions, difficulties with obtaining permits, in particular import and export licences, accident, plant or machinery breakdown, power shortage, fire, flood-ing, storm or neglect by suppliers or sub suppliers which prevent timely performance of the contract ("Force Majeure"), the delivery time of our services may be prolonged by the time span which the Force Majeure event and its consequences stretch. We will immediately notify you of any delay in delivery in the event of Force Majeure.
- Our use of personal data (Privacy Policy)
11.1 In order to enter into and fulfil the agreement with you, we register and process personal data on you, including information on:
Your name
Your address
Your phone number
Your e-mail
You can read more about our processing of personal data in our privacy policy available here: Privacy Policy.
12.1 We use cookies on the web page. Read more on the use of cookies in our terms hereof: Cookiepolicy
Withdrawal Form
This form is only to be filled out and returned if the right of cancellation is exercised.
- Cancellation form
13.1.1 If you would like to exercise your right to cancel an order, you may use following cancellation form:
Name of consumer:
Address of consumer
I ___________________________________ hereby give notice that I cancel my contract of sale of the following products: __________________________________________________________________________________.
Ordered on __________________ and received on ___________________.
Date and signature
21.2 If you would like to exercise your right to cancel a service on the Website, you may use following cancellation form:
Name of consumer:
Address of consumer:
I ___________________________________ hereby give notice that I cancel a service on the Website: __________________________________________________________________________________.
Date of conclusion of the agreement: ___________________.
Date and signature